Saturday, November 27, 2010

a few things to be thankful for

It's the day after Thanksgiving, and as I was walking into Octane, I came across this very fitting chalk painting on Howell Mill.

@ Howell Mill & Brady Ave (feel free to use, with credit)
I'm thankful for pink heels and the Atlanta skyline.

I'm thankful, of course, for my family. For my friends. For growing up in a world that never told me that I wasn't capable of being what I wanted to be. For the opportunity to create opportunities for other people.

I'm thankful for the country I come from and the country I call home.

I'm thankful for my health.

Sawra, ready for gameday, and thankful to be a Tech fan (feel free to use, with credit)
And, although it's been hard this season, I'm thankful for football. Clean, old-fashioned hate kicks off tomorrow at 7:45 PM.

Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving, and go Jackets!

1 people have something to say:

Andrea said...

I'm so thankful for YOU!