Friday, May 27, 2011

the sound and the fury

When I came home last night, there were fire trucks and cops blocking my street.

In front of the Ramos's house - there were a line of cop cars and ambulances down the street.
The awe and the fury of nature is astounding. The neighbors had their house struck by lightning, and in an instant the rear of the house was up in flames. Thankfully, no one was hurt (including their two dogs).

Sawra looking very morose in her rubber ducky raincoat as she watches the firemen.
It's been a crazy tornado season. In the United States, more than 500 people have died - making it the deadliest season in more than half a century. What's made it so real this year, though, is that some of my closest friends are from Ringgold, Cullman, and Tuscaloosa.

 I love this picture, posted by a storm-chasing-meteorologist-great-friend of mine taken in Joplin last weekend, that sums it up perfectly: nothing happens, until it happens to you.

(photo courtesy Colleen Coyle - thanks roommate!)
An overt reminder that there are some things in this life that are out of our control. No matter how we try to design our lives, we have to be flexible for the things that life hands us, too.

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