Sunday, June 19, 2011

i just bought a cheese plate on an airplane

... and the lady sitting next to me is looking at me like I'm crazy for pulling out my American Express to pay for food on an airplane (I had to write that sentence last because she's taken to observing my screen with great care as I type).

Maybe it is crazy. I don't know. Everyone I work with thinks that I live a ridiculous life. Rafting trips on weekends. Conference calls from ski slopes. It'll change when you have a family, when you have kids, they tell me. But whatever. I spend money on things that matter to me. On my ideal life (of the moment) On gorgeous and satisfying experiences (which, by the way, make you so much happier than things).
A pretty incredible place to have a swim.
A pretty incredible place to have a conference call.
We tend to be attracted to people who are like us. We like friends who are like us. We also are influenced by the people who are around us, to a greater degree than we realize. I have friends who appreciate my love of experiences because they're willing to participate in them with me.

So when we get together, we partake in amazing experiences. Money can't buy happiness, but money can buy experiences that change your perspective and enrich your life.
At the National Mosque in Malaysia.
Holding a baby gator in the Bayou.
From the Tiffany What Makes Love True website (see tip #8... well, actually, read all of them):
Light the Candles.
Use the good china. And crystal.
When you are together put style in your life.
This is part of living well, together.
There's so much design inspiration in a life well lived. 
The floor of Auntie Nat's Cafe in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I'm living as close to my ideal life as I can. Putting style into my life. Living well. And happily eating my cheese plate.

1 people have something to say:

Nikhil said...

i 100% agree. i love this line: "Money can't buy happiness, but money can buy experiences that change your perspective and enrich your life." So true! I think that now that I have a little extra financial padding I've started to splurge a little more on things that matter to me and have come to see how much more fun life can be.