Thursday, April 29, 2010

looking the part (i don't want no scrubs)

If you want to be perceived as competent & capable, the single easiest thing you can do is put on a jacket.

Yes, really.

We had a session of our Women’s Leadership Program today on professional image. Unfortunately, I can’t find the study that Sarah referenced in her talk, a University of Manitoba piece that took a group of like-performing salespeople and had them make calls on identical client sets. In 98% of cases, the calls made by those wearing jackets (matched with someone of similar style and experience) were successful over the calls with [source: Sarah Hathorn, Illustra Image Consulting].

It makes sense – and not just professionally.

Dress is just another form of design (my favorite form of design, maybe). It makes sense that you want to design something for a professional (or romantic) context that looks professional (or attractive). Designing something professionally attractive is pleasing, and people like that. And people like to do business with people they like (read item 4).

So boys, take note: girls don't like guys who look like scrubs. In business or in life.

Time to go jacket shopping.

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